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Keep Your Record Clean From Speeding Tickets
We'll fight for your rights.
Speeding tickets aren’t just a nuisance; they can really start to add up. Between the ticket, court fees, subsequent late fees, and the possibility of having your license suspended, you can’t afford to NOT fight your moving violation case. Points on your driving record can also affect your insurance rates for years.
The Traffic Law Firm has helped clients throughout the State of Missouri with speeding tickets, and we can help you too. Just reach out to us and make a payment. We’ll take care of the rest.

Common Speeding Violations
Did you know going even 1-5 mph over the speed limit could end up costing you around $73.00? Penalties are even higher if you speed in a construction or work zone.
Reckless driving
Missouriis tied for 41st with four other states for strictness of its reckless driving Driving 20 mph or greater over the speed limit is a Class B misdemeanor, which can carry a penalty up to up to six months in jail fine up to $500.
Hit and run
Hit-and-runlaws in Missouri are clear. Drivers must remain at the scene of an accident when someone has been injured or killed. If you don’t, the consequences can be severe.
Seat Belt Ticket
This law dictates that the wearing of seat beltsis mandated for all drivers and front seat Fines can be issued for violations, make sure your passengers buckle up!
School Bus Traffic Violation
Motorists traveling in the same direction as a school bus — no matter how many lanes of traffic — must always stop when a school bus stops and activates the stop sign.
No Insurance
It is illegal to drive a vehicle in Missouri that is not insured. A “no insurance” ticket could cost you hundreds of dollars, points on your license or even jail time
Red Light Camera Violation
Red light camerasare still legal in Missouri. If you ran a red light, you might receive a ticket in the mail. Not paying a red light ticket can lead to further fines and penalties.
Stop Sign Violation
Missouri drivers are obligated to make a complete stop at a clearly marked stop sign or stop line or before passing a crosswalk.
Equipment Violation
This includes brakes, headlights, turn signals, mirrors, and windshields, to give just a few examples. Any vehicle not “properly equipped or with malfunctioning equipment can receive a ticket for mechanical violation.